Chris Toledo is a Los Angeles-based artist renowned for his exquisitely detailed miniature models of historical interiors. With a passion that began in childhood, Toledo has refined his skills to create 1:12 scale miniatures that are strikingly accurate representations of architectural periods, particularly the early 20th century. His work is not just about replicating details but about evoking the feel and historical context of the periods he models.
Educated in both art history and architecture, Toledo combines these disciplines to achieve a remarkable level of authenticity and craftsmanship in his miniatures. His projects often involve months of research, planning, and meticulous handcrafting. Each piece is crafted using traditional techniques and materials that were used during the era he is replicating, further adding to the authenticity of his work.
Toledo’s miniatures have gained significant attention not only from the miniatures community but also from a broader audience through social media platforms like Instagram and Tiktok, where he shares updates of his intricate process and finished works under the name @IBuildSmallThings. His following is a testament to the unique niche he occupies at the intersection of art, architecture, and historical preservation. Through his miniatures, Chris Toledo not only captures the aesthetic and architectural essence of a bygone era but also sparks wider interest in both miniature art and historical architecture.